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Local to North Central Louisisana

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Duke’s Honey is a local family business that has been around for over 50 years. In the early sixties, J.P. Duke started with an interest in honey bees and bee hives, and that passion eventually evolved into producing and selling some of the finest, most delicious honey that is 100% natural and all local to North Louisiana. Over time, as J.P.’s beehives grew in number in addition to his skill level, he enlisted the help of his grandsons who started helping him at a very early age. Later in life, J.P.’s son also expressed an interest and jumped in to help grow the family business. J.P. was a member of the Lincoln Parish Beekeeper’s Association, the Louisiana Beekeeper’s Association, and attended multiple beekeeping meetings all over the country. He and his wife even made the trip to Canada for a world-wide beekeeper’s meeting! He would occasionally speak at the local meetings to give his tips and best practices, and he was always willing to spend countless amounts of time, usually under his carport, helping anyone who had questions and wanted to grow their own knowledge base.

Sadly, our beloved J.P. Duke passed away in February of 2018. Although his expertise and physical presence are no longer with us, his knowledge and talent have been passed down to his son and grandsons to continue with his legacy of all-natural honey. What started as a hobby for J.P. turned into a passion that has led to what is now Duke’s Honey, LLC. It is our pledge, our honor, to bring you the purest, most delicious honey, while we simultaneously honor the life of the man that started it all.

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J.P. used the same label on his honey for as long as we can remember; the same label he made long before the advances of technology.  Although it may not appear as “modern” or something you would see on a store shelf, it’s what makes it Duke’s Honey.  More importantly, it’s one extra thing we can keep to make sure his memory and legacy remain a part of what we do, one jar of honey at a time.

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4198 Highway 822, Dubach, LA 71235, USA


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